St. Philip's Preschool
a weekday ministry for
children 18 mos-5 years old

Tuition & Registration Fees
Tuition is calculated on a yearly basis and is divided into 9 equal installments First installment
due in May 15, 2024, remaining payments due September 2024-April 2025.
Registration Fee & Supply Fee- (Annually)
Due at time of registration based on class choice.
Monday/Wednesday Two Day Class $285.00 per month
Tuesday/Thursday Two Day Class $295.00 per month
Registration & Supply/Activity Fee (Annually) $150.00
Three Day Class $385.00 per month
Registration & Supply/Activity Fee (Annually) $175.00
Four Day Class $465.00 per month
Registration & Supply/Activity Fee (Annually) $ 200.00
Five Day Class $510.00 per month
Registration & Supply/Activity Fee (Annually) $200.00
Installment payments are due in full on the 1st day of each month and subject to late fees after the 10th
of the month. There is no credit given for absences or school holidays.
St Philip's offers an option for busy parents who need to extend their child's
day at St. Philip's. With drop off available at 8:25 a.m. on the days that your child is regularly attend Preschool, you can rest assured that they'll be in good hands.
We offer both monthly and drop in rates to suit your needs.
Monthly Rates
For those who attend 2 days a week; $30 per month
For those who attend 3 days a week; $40 per month
For those who attend 4 days a week; $50 per month
For those who attend 5 days a week; $60 per month
Drop-in Rate: $10 per day.
These rates are in addition to your regular monthly turion.